WNBA Annual Writing Contest Information
The WNBA Award (for individual women)
The WNBA Award is presented by the members of the Women’s National Book Association to “a living American woman who derives part or all of her income from books and allied arts, and who has done meritorious work in the world of books beyond the duties or responsibilities of her profession or occupation.” The award was formerly known as the Constance Lindsay Skinner Award. Its namesake was a playwright, critic, editor, and author active from early in the 20th century until her death in 1939.
The 2017 WNBA Award, to honor the 100th anniversary of the organization, was awarded to two women: Dr. Carla Hayden, Librarian of Congress, and Louise Erdich, author and bookstore owner.
WNBA Pannell Award (for bookstores)
In 1981, the WNBA established the WNBA Pannell Award to recognize and publicly applaud the work of booksellers who stimulate, promote and encourage children’s and young people’s interest in books. Lucile Micheels Pannell, a founding member of one of the WNBA chapters, was born in the late 1800s. A model bookwoman, her career included teaching in a one-room schoolhouse, working as a librarian, then managing the Hobby Horse Bookshop in Chicago’s Carson Pirie Scott department store from 1943 to 1953. Although she had no children of her own, Lucile loved reading to children and introducing them to the world of books. Chicago schools would sponsor field trips to the Hobby Horse Bookshop because children and teachers loved visiting with Lucile to listen to stories and learn about the world of books. This Award is our way to honor Lucile’s special role in WNBA’s history.
Winners of the 2018 WNBA Pannell Award
General Bookstore Category:
Northshire Bookstore, Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Children’s Specialty Bookstore Category:
Red Balloon Bookshop, St. Paul, MN
Press Release Announcing WNBA Pannell Winners
WNBA Eastman Grant (library associations)
Given annually, the WNBA Eastman Grant is a cash grant given to a library association in a state where there is a WNBA chapter. The funds are given to support librarian professional development or training offered by an official library association. The WNBA national board administers the program and selection of the library association to receive the award occurs at the WNBA annual national board meeting.
The 2015 Eastman Grant is awarded to the The District of Columbia Library Association (DCLA).
More Information on the WNBA Eastman Grant …
This is a new award honors the mission of the organization in promoting literacy and reading. This prize was awarded to the Little Free Library, a nonprofit organization that promotes reading, particularly for children, by building free book exchanges in communities and neighborhoods.